Superwise Speeds Up Its PLG Transition After Adopting Frontegg’s Secure User Management Platform

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Superwise, an emerging Machine Learning (ML) company, uses Frontegg’s customizable, user-friendly, and self-served user management infrastructure for accelerated solution development. Frontegg enables Superwise to meet all security and privacy requirements to establish trust with existing and potential customers.


Superwise has created a continuous model observability solution that helps its customers monitor their ML in production. Its cutting-edge platform offers multiple templates for customized monitoring, allows comprehensive root cause analysis for faster remediation operations, and also enables model optimization with in-depth production observability insights. 

The Challenge: Fulfill User Management Feature Requests and Achieve Enterprise Readiness

Superwise added advanced and self-served ML features to align its unique offering with the Product-Led Growth (PLG) model. This move towards becoming a PLG-centric product was being held back by one key aspect – user management. 

Unfortunately, while the direction was clear, progress was impeded by the enormous volume of user management tasks that began accumulating as Superwise scaled up. There were more and more requests from existing customers – new authorization flows and more Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) options, with granular role and permission management, to name a few. 

“Developing user management features internally simply doesn’t work anymore. This feeling was amplified when I joined Superwise as it started scaling up fast.”
Amir Servi, Head of Product, Superwise

Subscription and billing management was another major issue that arose due to Superwise’s fluctuating usage patterns and complex use cases. Developers were finding it hard to focus on what really mattered: innovation.

The Superwise development team started off by trying to build user management and billing  internally, but it was quickly became clear that only a third-party user management platform could help the company keep up with market requirements. One such requirement, besides obvious criteria like being self-served and creating a smooth user experience, was enforcement of robust login security standards.

Achieving full PLG-and enterprise-ready status was increasingly challenging as the development team spent inordinate time on developing authentication flows.

“With a rapidly-growing portfolio and enterprise-sized customers like Wix, Superwise simply could not compromise on security and privacy anymore.”
Amir Servi, Head of Product, Superwise

In particular, Single Sign-On (SSO) and MFA, along with role and permission management needed to be implemented rapidly and effectively. With the number of clients growing, Superwise was unable to meet its aggressive deadlines due to the work required to enforce an end-to-end user management infrastructure and the overhead created by customers’ feature requests.  

In response, Superwise began to search for an external user management platform. It found legacy solutions like Auth0 to be out of its budget range, while others offered limited functionality or had few self-served features, if any. Then Superwise came across Frontegg.

The Solution: Secure, Scalable User Management Implementation 

The Superwise team quickly found that now Frontegg blends in seamlessly and works easily with different kinds of login, signup, and onboarding use cases. It also satisfied Superwise’s most technically oriented customers who demanded minimal in-app friction to stay engaged. Frontegg delivers full compliance with leading security and privacy regulations, another key requirement with enterprise-level customers worldwide. 

“Frontegg is helping my team focus on our core tech tasks. All user management functionality is covered by Frontegg’s end-to-end solution.”
Or Itzary, CTO, Superwise

Other Frontegg features that Superwise used to its advantage:

  • Centralized, customizable user management dashboard – Adding users, adding new flows, and monitoring activity now require just a few clicks.
  • Granular role and permission management – With B2B ecosystems becoming more complex, granularity is essential. Admins can create user groups or roles with customized permissions based on every specific use case.
  • Compliance with SOC2, GDPR, and more – Data privacy is under the spotlight and Frontegg takes care of that. Audit logs are available on demand and all user activity can be tracked in real time to maintain compliance and security.
  • Easy Hubspot Access – Frontegg allows Superwise to use Webhooks to quickly add users to its Hubspot system.

Multiple teams (Product, Customer Success, and R&D) at Superwise now leverage Frontegg’s user management services for their specific needs. Besides the operational and time-saving benefits mentioned already, cross-department visibility has also improved significantly. This newly created internal alignment has improved productivity and supported the company’s rapid growth. 

Superwise has relied on Frontegg’s user management platform for over a year and never looked back. Superwise now has a more mature and robust SaaS offering that is also PLG-friendly and enterprise ready. The future looks promising for this potent combo in 2023 and beyond. 

Frontegg delivered:

  • Much faster implementation of comprehensive user management
  • Fully self-served and PLG-ready platform for faster TTM
  • Powerful authentication flows on demand
  • Security and standards compliance meets needs of Superwise customers
  • Saves time and resources, with high reliability and near zero downtime

“Simply put, Frontegg helped us become PLG-ready more than 2 months earlier than we had planned and is now giving us added peace of mind as we continue to grow.”
Amir Servi, Head of Product, Superwise